Mindset is More than The Goal Itself

Clarity, Courage & Confidence

Understanding ourselves creates our future.

Are you setting goals as expected?

If you're like me, in the past, I set goals that I could attain with just a little reach to achieve it. It was more important to achieve the goals at the time to build my confidence than to expand out of my comfort zone and go big. There is a difference and they are both important.

New Year, New Goals

Setting goals you can achieve: Allows you to build your confidence and celebrate your successes.

Setting goals you don’t have a clue how to achieve: Takes you out of your comfort zone. It creates opportunities to show you what you believe you are capable of so you can work on your limitations and take leaps of faith that the universe will provide.

And I’ve done both…I’ve achieved great success with both and …I’ve gotten amazing clarity of what I want to create and what no longer works for me (don’t want)!

Mindset is More Important than The Goal Itself

No matter how audacious my goals, I always thought there was a cap to what I wanted to achieve…make…or do. I had to live within the container I had created by going beyond that was just greedy and selfish. So, within that container, I created amazing programs that I did beta testing and got scared of and never released to the public… I created partnerships and built companies but to the public I looked like the assistant instead of the magic marker who made everything happen for the talent they saw. I joined groups where I felt I could add value and support instead of leading.

Then something changed…I no longer wanted to stay in my container; it was too small and uncomfortable, and the leap of faith I needed to take in myself became exciting and, honestly, the only option I had.

My leap…was creating/recreating my leadership opportunities. I did this three different ways and now making it public knowledge by telling you first.

  • I am finalizing a co-lead collective to support growing small business owners to develop their mindset to achieve the revenue they want and deserve. Launching this spring.
  • I am dusting off my old programs and creating two signature courses, one for mindset and one for storytelling. Coming this spring.
  • I am creating a year-long circle that meets twice a month to work on mindset. We will cover topics and books around money, playing big and expanding our own limits. Creating a change in your mindset only works when you focus on it until it is so natural you no longer realize you are doing it. More details about this circle below.

3 Habits to Have a Money Mindset

  • Habit 1 (Clarity): Focus on the Language You Use
  • Habit 2 (Courage): Take Courageous Action + Creating Mantras
  • Habit 3 (Confidence): Have Faith / Believe it / Visualize it

For the month of January, I encourage you to pay attention to the first Habit: The Language You Use. In the following months, we will focus on the others.

A lot of times, we use negative phrases when we are acting in fear and doubt. This will take time, and it is always helpful to have a friend/colleague/mentor who is kind and willing to help support you in this effort because, at times, we are unaware of how we speak, especially if it's so commonly used.

Habit 1 (Clarity): Focus on the Language You Use

Negative Money Talk: Sounds like this; "I can’t afford to hire a coach… I would but I don’t have the money…I can’t be rich because only selfish people are rich…" It’s damaging to our confidence and this is how you start creating that concrete container I discussed.

Let's make some real progress by choosing intentional language around money.

Action Step #1: Start by being aware of how you and others speak regarding money.

Action Step #2: Transform these phrases in your mind and language.

Negative/Resistant Phrases
I want (same as I lack)

I need (same as I lack)

I can’t

I hope (Lock of faith and my pet peeve)

I wish (not in control, therefore disempowering)

I should (same as saying I don’t want to

Positive/Allowance Phrases
I create

I love

I enjoy

I have

I am grateful for

I can

I choose (personal favorite)

Action Step #3: Stop Making Excuses!

Let me tell you I was the QUEEN of Excuses. And they lived in my head so loudly at first that it was deafening. Here are some of mine and maybe you will recognize some of them.

I thought they couldn't stop me by not speaking to them out loud. I was wrong. It just reinforces the container.

Here were my most powerful excuses

No one will take you seriously because you don’t have fancy degrees or worked with Fortune 500 companies.

It’s silly because…I never valued fancy degrees or wanted to work with only Fortune 500 companies. I do what I do because of the experiences and work I put into myself, my business and my mindset. Plus I love working with small businesses.

No one will notice you because you're not a skinny, blue-eyed blond.

It’s silly because…Even though I’m Norwegian (people commonly think of having white blond hair and pale eyes) I got the genetic lottery of having rich dark brown, big boned frame, soft lower voice and lovely green/brown eyes. Something that took years to see the beauty in and I am now grateful for.

You're a Farm Girl, so the best thing you can do is live in a small house in a city.

It’s silly because…My upbringing does not define the possibility of what I can achieve. I can own a beach house on a lake/ocean or live in a RV/boat if I want. It just took me longer than I would have liked to see that possibility. I sold my house 6 years ago and purposely didn’t buy a new one because our goal is to live in Europe by early 2026.

Unlock your Courageous Mindset

Circle Series

A courageous mindset creates confidence and positive change. Stop letting your limitations and excuses hold you back.

The Circle Series starts this Winter and meets twice a month to discuss several mindset-building techniques supporting your income, business, and life.

I invite you to join my waitlist for Circle Series details, first access to programs & tools and exclusive offers. Stop letting your mindset hold you back. Together we create new habits to develop a courageous mindset to achieve what you really want.

Focusing on your mindset allows you to achieve your big audacious goals.

Sign up for my Waitlist to be the first to know when Unlock your Courageous Mindset launches and be a part of something amazing!

“A healthy desire for wealth is not greed, it’s a desire for life” - Jen Sincero

c: 701.730.1994 | w: nufirecollective.com/ | e: amy@nufirecollective.com
We are located in Minnesota USA & Quebec, Canada

2827 18th Ave E, Shakopee, MN 55379
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